Titles of books and articles which are inspiring when working with water.
Antrop, M. (2007, 2010). Perspectieven op het landschap. Achtergronden om landschappen te lezen en te begrijpen. Uitgever: Academia Press, Gent.
Bell, S. (1999). Landscape, pattern, perception and process. Routledge, New York.
Bobbink, I. & Loen, S. (2013). Water inSight, an exploration into landscape architectonic transformations of polder water.
Bobbink, I. & Loen, S. (2016). The water-rich landscape: from a reclaimed landscape to an enjoyable landscape. In: Heuvel M. van (eds.) Blue Bliss, the art of enjoying water. Zwolle: WBOOKS.
Braae, E. (2015). Beauty Redeemed. Recycling Post-Industrial Landscapes, Risskov: IKAROS Press/Basel: Birkhäuser.
Brink, A. van den., Bruns, D., Tobi H. & Bell S. (2017). Research in Landscape Architecture: Methods and Methodology. New York: Routlegde.
Burns, C. & Kahn, A. (2005). Site matters: Design Concepts, Histories, and Strategies. Routledge.
Da Cunha, D. (2019). The Intervention of Rivers. Alexander’s Eye and Ganga’s Descent. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
Dee, C. (2012). To Design Landscape. Art, Nature & Utility. Routledge
Garbrecht, G. (1983). Ancient Water Works – Lessons from history. Impact of Science on Society. UNESCO No.1; p.10
Hein, C. M. (2020). Adaptive Strategies for Water Heritage: Past, Present and Future. Springer.
Hooimeijer F. (2014). The Making of Polder Cities. A Fine Dutch Tradition. JAPSAM BOOKS.
Kerkstra, K., Vroom, M.J., Lowenthal, D., Andersson S.I., Ogrin, D. & Hough M. (2003). The Landscape of Symbols. [Landschap van Symbolen]. Uitgeverij Blauwdruk.
Kramer, L, Hulsman, B., Bobbink, I, Luiten, E. & van Nieuwehuijze, L. (eds.) (2017). Waterworks in the Netherlands: Tradition and Innovation. NAi Uitgevers, Rotterdam.
Linton, J. (2010). What is water? The history of a modern abstraction. UBC Press, Canada.
Lohrer, A. (2008). Design with water. Uitgever: Birkhäuser, Basel/Boston/Berlin.
Margolis, L. & Chaouni, A. (2015). Out of Water. Design Solutions for Arid Regions. Basel, Boston, Berlin: Birkhäuser.
Mathur, A. & Da Cunha, D. (2014). Design in the Terrain of Water. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
McDowell, S. (eds). (2016). Water Index, design strategies for drought, flooding and contamination. University of Virginia, School of Architcture, New York, USA.
Metz, T. & Heuvel, M. van den (2012). Zoet & Zout. Water en de Nederlander. NAi Uitgevers, Rotterdam.
Meulder, B. de & Shannon, K. (eds) (2013). Water Urbanism East. Park Books, Zurich, Switzerland.
Müller, S., Quednau M., Deutinger T., O’Donnell C., La Tourelle, R. & Simpson, D. (2016). Giraffes, Telegraphs and Hero of Alexandria. SMAQ Urban Design by Narration. Ruby Press Berlin
Pötz, H. (2012). Urban green-Blue grids for sustainable and dynamic cities. Uitgever: Coop For Life
Prominski, M., Stokman, A., Zeller, S., Stimberg, D. & Voermanek H. (2012). River Space Design. Planning strategies, methods and projects of Urban Rivers. Basel, Boston, Berlin: Birkhäuser.
Steenbergen, C.M., Meeks, S. & Nijhuis, S. (2008). Composing Landscapes; Analysis, Typology and Experiments for Design. Basel, Boston, Berlin: Birkhäuser.
Steenbergen, C.M., Reh, W., Nijhuis, S. & Pouderoijen, M. (2009). Polder Atlas of the Netherlands. Pantheon of the Low Lands. Uitgeverij THOTH, Bussum.
Toorn, M. van den & Guney, A. (2011). Precedent Analysis in Landscape Architecture. In: Search of an Analytical Framework. TU Delft.
Ven, G.P., van de (eds) (2004). Man-made Lowlands. History of water management and land reclamation in the Netherlands. Stichting Matrijs, Utrecht.
Vlieger, B. de (2014). The New delta, the Rhine-Meuse-Scheldt Delta in transition. Japsam Books
Watson, J. (2019). Lo-TEK, design by radical Indigenism. TASCHEN, Cologne.
Willems, W.J.H. & Schaik, H.P.J. van (2015). Water & Heritage, material, conceptual and spiritual connections. Sidestone Press, Leiden, The Netherlands.